15- Build Multiple Red5 Distributions

  1. Open eclipse, and open your red5_server project (that we build in a previous video), delete the dist folder (we will be recreating this folder in a minute and putting multiple distributions, each in their own folder, into this folder). Right click on the project, and click on Refresh.
  2. Click on the Run Last Tool icon in the top nav of eclipse, then click on External Tools Configuration, and where it says Arguments, type in: -Ddist.dir=dist/r1 (where r1 stands for revision 1...you can name each revision r1, r2, r3, etc.), then click the Apply button, then click the Run button...and it will compile and it should say BUILD SUCCESSFUL. Now right click on your project and click on Refresh and you'll see the new r1 directory in your dist directory.
  3. TO MAKE A SECOND DISTRIBUTION: Click on the the Run Last Tool icon in the top nav again, then click on External Tools Configuration, and where it says Arguments, type in: -Ddist.dir=dist/r2 (change the 1 to a 2), then click the Apply button, then click the Run button...and it will compile and it should say BUILD SUCCESSFUL. Now right click on your project and click on Refresh and you'll see the new r2 directory in your dist directory.
NOTE: The reason to create multiple Red5 distributions, is so that we can keep getting the latest Red5 source, without having to go back and update all our old projects.... so we can have different projects using different build distributions of Red5.
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