Install Red5 on Windows

The videos below will show you how to install Red5 on Windows with the red5plugin. It took me 4 weeks to figure it out, and I wanted to document everything I did, so that I'd never have to figure this out again. I strongly recommend watching ALL VIDEOS and watching them in the order they appear below.

I used the resources at the bottom of the page to figure it all out. You may want to check them out. Thanks to all the people who answered my questions in the Red5 Forums.

01- Install JDK/JRE on Windows (for Red5)

02- Install Red5 0.9 on Windows

03- Install Eclipse on Windows (for Red5)

04- Install Ant on Windows (for Red5)

05- Set environment variables for Red5

The next 2 videos will show you how to install Subversion, and then use it to checkout the latest Red5 source.

06- Install Subversion (TortoiseSVN) on Windows (for Red5)

07- Check out Red5 source with Subversion (TortoiseSVN)

The next 4 videos will show you how to install the Red5plugin. The Red5plugin will make it easy to develop Red5 applications. Before you install the Red5plugin, you must install: Ivyde, Subclipse, and Flashbuilder.

08- Install Ivyde on Windows (for Red5)

09- Install Subclipse on Windows (for Red5)

10- Install Flashbuilder (for Red5)

11- Install Red5plugin on Windows

12- Build Red5 Distribution

13- Run Red5 Distribution

14- red5-shutdown.bat and red5-debug.bat

15- Build Multiple Red5 Distributions

16- Run Red5 Distribution in Eclipse

17- Debug Red5 source Code

18- Create Red5plugin Application

19- Buying serial number for Flash Builder 4

20- Red5plugin not working